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Kaupapa Māori Methods Workshop Three


The final workshop in the series completes our offering to facilitate an opportunity for participants to develop appropriately defined research questions, objectives and aims, that are grounded within a Kaupapa Māori approach.

The nature of these interactive workshops, encourage participants to develop skills in creating appropriate methodological approaches and to determine the best research methods that best meet the needs of a research area and context. The final workshop in the series showcases a fantastic programme of research projects and community development in action.

Registration is open to previous workshop participants. Please confirm your attendance, via email, at your earliest convenience.

When: Monday 28 & Tuesday 29 November 2022

Venue: Plymouth International Hotel

Presenters: Professor Leonie Pihama, Dr Tammy Tauroa, Dr Donna Campbell, Dr Jenny Lee-Morgan, Dr Will Edwards, Dr Mihi Ratima, Shirley Simmonds

Wānanga Facilitator: Leonie Pihama


Monday 28 November: Day One

8.45am Karakia - Workshop Overview

9am Mahi Rangahau | Manawanui Research Centre - Dr Tammy Tauroa

10am Paranamawa

10.30am Creative Phd - Dr Donna Campbell

11.30am Te Mana o Rangitāhua - Dr Tammy Tauroa

12.30pm Kai

1.15pm Pūrākau on Zoom - Jenny Lee-Morgan

2pm Dr Will Edwards and Dr Mihi Ratima

3.30pm Ka mutu

Tuesday 29 November: Day Two

8.45am Karakia - Workshop Overview

9am Mahi Rangahau | Kaupapa Māori Epidemiology - Shirley Simmonds

10am Paranamawa

10.30am Developing Kaupapa Māori Survey - Shirley Simmonds

11.30am Te Rā - Dr Donna Campbell

12.30pm Kai

1.30pm He Waka Eke Noa & Honour Project methods - Shirley Simmonds

3pm Reflection

Ka mutu

Acknowledgement: We have been able to offer this wānanga series free of charge in our community because of the generous support of TOI Foundation. We also thank Leonie, for the design and implementation of a world-class programme.

Feedback received from participants thus far, has been overwhelmingly positive on all aspects of the series, citing: the workshop pace has allowed time for self-reflection and the ability to wānanga with others to test ideas, explore concepts and deepen relationships, as extremely valuable in their learning.

We have been truly honoured to host such amazing Kaikōrero and a committed participant group that has wholeheartedly taken every opportunity to learn, share and build connections.

We hope you will continue to share the journey with us as we build momentum into 2023. Our intention is to offer a range of wānanga and events to explore and celebrate our journey to restore the mana and mauri of Te Taiao.


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